Tuesday, August 30, 2011

...wat a dragon does wen thirsty...

**random thoughts**

...Thoughts fade into the dominant rhythm of the heart beat. Emotions evolve into a primitive state and escape the body as cold streams of sweat living their life from the contours of the face right down to the place of their death; some taken by a gentle yet hasty swipe of the hand, while others simply serve out their purpose and evaporate taking with them heat nested upon the being that gave the very reason for their conception. Words in the head dance around as if thought had no song, no tune, no melody. Trying desperately to connect into any sort of logical pattern able to illustrate a concept even the creator himself only made available to the host in an intangible plain of existence. The floodgates of the heart spill over into all vessels of the being until a feeling so overwhelming renders any form of communication unworthy of expressing the current state of the individual. It is at this moment the eyes begin to frantically search for a link shared by the two hosts, a sign that the feelings are mutual, a sign that hope is not an act of desperation but of possibility currently in a state of inactivity...

...To ignore reality is to believe in everything, this is faith. The eyes touch the light and the mind falls in love with the interpretation thereof, while the soul is nested behind a canvas painted by the actions and utterance of the host. From birth we dine on the fruits of the heart, drink of its fountains until its banquet is without a song...

...Who can teach the mouth to listen can also teach the eyes to speak. There is sorrow in the voice of the eyes, wet and cold words tell of the lies and the lost hope. The stories told down the face, heard only by those who care to let the light speak of them....

...Who among you would ever again thirst for the streams of the earth once you have drowned in the fulfilling floods of the heavens??...

...he that was now lives with those that see today as the beginning of eternity...

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