Saturday, July 10, 2010 to set water on I

***the following are not actual instructions on how to perform the mentioned task, and if treated as such would render the author legally, socially, morally or otherwise NOT responsible for consequences encountered***

O.K.... enough with all the legal babble! You know, i always wanted to be a lawyer or politician but the moral implications necessary for my success ensured the death of those dreams.... What has this got to do with anything?? Nothing and everything.... you see, everything is somehow interconnected and yet not at all....and what has this got to do with anything?? NOTHING...!!!

My discussion is drawn on a phrase i picked out of a comic book (i don't read comic books that often o.k. I use them to aid in improving my illustrative they fun to read), it read something like; "....and the waters which gave me life are the poison for which i kill the filth within and around me...."

(I will give you a moment to take that in......... shh....reflect!)

DEEP right??......

I am drawn to such phrases for reasons i cannot even pretend to understand, i play it off as fuel for my otherwise socially dormant and controversial mentality which i ensure never sees the light of day! I seem to have the tendency to focus my energies on matters that are otherwise considered unimportant by our civilized structure.... I could go on and on but just thought that phrase was cool and thought i should share......may get back to it later....right now its the fancy color box watching Hurt Locker with ma little sister "Baby Dodsy"..... cant sleep so am sketching ma a$$ off, am actually becoming good at it...

For u mayhem addicts the above link is not exactly what i had in mind but it works too....

I suck at goodbyes, so.....uhmmm, YES! u wait here till i come back next :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

...rules that govern confusion...

(2days late - technically)

Alright....lets see, had an awesome day with my brothers today. Did some well needed catching up and bonding and that was "dope".... planned a weekend excursion which i am looking forward to even though one of the highlights will no longer take place but... :) now am here staring at my computer screen filled with security notifications and virus alerts which i somehow managed to instigate while looking for drivers for my ASUS en8400 graphics card! Now, my mind that is the illogical biological paradigm tasked with logical processing that i am gratefully plagued with continues to conjure up random illustrations which i will attempt to represent through my limited verbal abilities.....

(random thoughts follow)

...i guess Adam should have realized that giving Eve his rib would not suffice, she has to take his heart too... Someone once asked me if "it" was ever enough... At the time i was young, hopeful and full of life and my response was.... YES! Of course it is enough, it is all you need and nothing else matters, it is the reason for everything else... it is only now i realize she wasn't asking me to explain something of which even i had had not.... or something of which i had the pleasure of dominance over... it was a question about everything... like; is part of the truth "the truth"??... IS IT ENOUGH?? I bet my response as a youngster was based on what i valued as important and, was enough.... now i look at what i have now and my response......?? YES :) thank you is enough.....BUT i still want more....need more!!!

...i wonder if Lucifer being the ruler of hell, and therefore being in hell himself is actually undergoing his punishment right now for the wrongs he did in heaven..... or will he face further punishment for the wrongs he continues to do. His ultimate sin bordered upon his need for adoration and worship. My mind just wonders if his existence as the vessel of wrong, as the representation of something that requires none of what he originally sought, now is his form of hell and he is living it everyday... why do i care you ask?? because he is... (thats the best i can do).... will look it up in bible just for the hell of it :)

...there is an order to everything, even randomness has a pattern which we recognize as "random" otherwise it would be "nothing"... This is to say that everything is "something" because nothing is nothing, simple... look at it this way, even nothing is governed by defining rules and characteristics for it to exist as nothing....ergo, if u didn't know what something was it would not classify as nothing until it possessed all the characteristics of that that is described as nothing.... The implications of this thesis could help understand the human need for knowledge... the reason for curiosity.. (o.k. i know am getting loopy!)....but take this premise for instance; even that that we can not begin to understand or comprehend and cannot confine to our rules still maintain the law of order by adhering to its rules of being and our rules of non-compliance (i.e. strange, weird, unknown etc) .... i think emotions fall into this grouping! For me anyway....

...i created this blog so i could be blunt honest with the world (or the one or two people who read this at least) leave an honest logical representative to give the internet a blueprint of my attic, or logical acumen... well... thats not going to happen, i cant understand half the stuff i think of and therefore cannot share it with a race hell bent on judging all that they cannot comprehend. Life is simply too complicated without me asking someone how they can claim a thought as their own when that thought is based on; words inherited, images taught and seen, ideas abstracted etc...and how belief is based on.... (i will stop here....) ....the only reason i continue to act as normal is because i have accepted my thoughts, and understand that they are NOT normal/average/acceptable....

...i promised my mum i would never marry, i can see why.... lol

...i believe in dragons (not really), i think we are in the matrix (mentally kinda), i think the clouds are fake, i believe i saw a ghost as a youngster, i really should stop typing now....

...O.K. let me get back to pretending to be normal.... what did i learn today?? In our (my) attempt to understand life, we (I) miss out on what it really is about..... life is about "LIVING".... but in order to live, we (I) must understand what we (I) live for...