Thursday, August 26, 2010

...immortal death...

[another track i probably wont ever record....lyrics all in idea form...none sequential]

in the fast lane, no cruise control...
living life can make you loose your soul...
digging through heaven for a heart of gold...
building a future for some money to blow...
hope we stay connected and the fuse don't blow...
life a movie, but act this way for theres things i refuse to show...
stay that way till am in a state that amuse a crow...
always look up for the light till the sun choose to fall...
want to be the only one she can use for all...
playing hard to get till we start loosing score...
if we forget what we loosing for, then we loosing more...
home is where the heart is, but never fall for the globe...

not a man of this world, guess am the man on the moon...
standing on the sun waiting for winter to bloom....
blow you away singing the summer wind's tune...
waiting on the past when death coming soon...
meet you half way, this year am your june...
we grown distant thats why i feel trapped in this room...
don't know who i am... "me" is who the mask has consumed...
burning with rage, trying to last on the fumes....
food for thought, pass you the spoon...
and if i bug you please wait, i'll pass the cocoon....

...they say love is forever so guess if this don't work out its an immortal death....

[come to think about it...its more poetic (its not a poem though) than musical.... lets just call it random thoughts]

*** Right now am so gone, my vision blurred to where i can barely make out the keys but am staying up to see my downloads through!!! ***

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sparks on the sun

Aite J Bar tearing holes in my moral fabric right now via my audio interface! Trust me i need it.... cutting loose, and just when i thought the po-po (a.k.a five-0, a.k.a the pigs a.k.a one time...) was misunderstood or something, they just had to make the mythical tales a reality for me.... lol. They called it a random search though.... and i know legally i could have said something about the intensity or degree of the search (like was that cavity search really necessary; on the freeway!!!?? i joke, i joke.....i kid, i kid....didn't happen!!! seriously). Let bygones be bygones and all...

All in all, like, i wasn't/ain't tripping... my boy got his ink on, though the tattoo was kinda weird for a first one....but guess he just love his country and history. I am not really ill like, good/dope at the arts especially when it comes to the manipulation of whitespace by making pens bleed on the white canvas to reveal or conjure up emotion stirring constructs, but something drew me to the atmosphere in this tattoo parlor... i almost signed up for a full body suit!!! Seriously, Iconnic had to have his morals (this time in the form of his mother a.k.a madre....) scream him out before he got into it... don't know how long am going to be able to curb my desire for art, creativity and individualism and finally make the steps towards such, as the aforementioned, in a quest to emerge as more than just a spark on the sun...

I am never the type to stress about anything but lately been drawn away from "living" by a few things that had me confused and all... and as usual my *"light at the end of the tunnel" came in the strangest of places.... well it was from the bible but the vessel that delivered it was what most would not conventionally deem as "normal" for such i guess...

So all in all.... my days good, as always even when times are hard.... my life is good... no more doubts, i just wonder why i even doubted what i already knew...

[ we don't have to understand.... its enough for me to just believe...]


*this light is not the normally referred to "death zone" one...nope!

[I know this is kind of a lame post to jump back on the wagon with but this is Joseph addressing you, I will let Iconnic get back to you..... Hello world!]